Okay, so like many of my writer friends I’m trying to juggle a busy writing schedule. I’m published in Historical Romance, published under another name in Erotic Romance and aspiring to be published in Young Adult fiction. I hop around among genres, channeling different personalities and sensibilities and, let’s face it, sensuality-levels. I also have a lot going on at home.
The kids are in the process of trying to sell their house up north, and have moved in with me here in Florida . With their adorable baby son and three cats. So we’re now a couple with one college-aged daughter still at home, our other “out of the nest” daughter back inside the nest with her husband, and my baby grandson Anthony. So all of my eggs are now in one basket.
Anthony is a doll and a half and the apple of his Gammy’s eye. He’s also a lot of work, which years had given a nostalgic sepia tone since raising my daughters. I watch him often, since my son-in-law is going to school. I also work at the bookstore several days a week and try to remain active in my local RWA chapter. They say there are enough hours in the day but maybe the earth’s rotation is quicker here in Florida , lol.

If this post seems a little scrambled, eh hem, that’s not a mistake. While my writing energizes me, when it’s not sapping my strength, I get more than enough love and support from my basket of eggs at home. But I have to say, after collapsing into bed after another long day of watching that now-walking grandson, I’ve come to a conclusion.
There’s a reason eggs get old.
Thanks again, Hannah. I’d love to hear from readers, too! Please email me at JoMarie@JoMarieDeGioia.com or visit my website, www.jomariedegioia.com
Read an excerpt of More Than Passion and Prideand Fire. Pick up copies at Kindle, BN, Bookstrand, Fictionwise, iBookstore and ARe