The wizard's taking over...
Good morning! A big thank you to Ms. Howell for allowing me to visit with you today! I write light paranormal romance and suspense while feeding my love of books as a book reviewer for You Gotta Read Reviews. I'm the forth member of the Frightening Journeys blog paranormal writers and serve as a judge for several RWA contests a year. On a personal note, I'm married to my high school sweetheart with a son and
two daughters. *One commentor will win a copy of Earth Enchanted. Please check back tommorow for announcement*
I thought I'd talk a little bit about Earth Enchanted and the Elemental Magic Series. *jumps as a hand touches her shoulder*
Yeah, you could, but I'd bet your blog readers would rather hang out with me. You and your 'cat' feet. You scared me half to death, Devin, just whose the author here? *takes the keyboard away from Devin*
~Always spoiling my fun. *smiles*
You're smiling. No. Wait. That's not why I gave you magic. What about your creed to harm none? You wouldn't dare.
You know I would...and enjoy it, besides when have I ever played by the book. *conjures blue fireball with a wave of his hands* This won't hurt a bit. It's cold fire. *claps fireball over Brynna's head. showering sparks of blue enveloping her in a force field* She's fine really. I'll let her out when it's time for me to go.
So, you want to know about Earth Enchanted? It all started a thousand years ago with a spell. My cousin and teacher Daemon fell for a healer named Briella after she rescued him from the sea. He would never have been there in the first place, but he went against Laird McLoch's wishes and continued to help me hone my magic. My father wanted me to forget my powers and learn to rule our clan. Thanks to Briella's sister
Arianne's scheming, Daemon, Briella and Arianne were turned into the elements they called to for power.
While Daemon cast his dark magic, I was deep in battle with the laird of a rival clan. My father had fallen along with many of our clansmen. Covered in the blood of my kin, I knew I would die under the blade of that dirty cur's sword. All at once I could see with my mind's eye the power Daemon had unleashed and I knew how to save my clan. I called forth a great ring of fire and surrounded the village walls with it, protecting the women and children inside, but I couldn't have known the consequences of mixing magics would bar me from my home or that my fire would destroy every last McGavin on McLoch land. As dead to my clan as my father, I left Scotland and went to Ireland to break the spell, but only Daemon and Briella's descendants could do that.
For a thousand years I've been waiting for someone to break the spell. Funny thing is only love is powerful enough to fight back Daemon's magic and free us all.
*releases force field* See now that wasn't so bad.
So you say. You know I'm claustophobic. I'd like to put you in a bubble.
I'm her favorite. Later.
As I was saying, Earth Enchanted is the first in a series of five books featuring the Corrigans from Ireland, a family with a ancestry of mages. Liv Corrigan, telepath and writer, visits her brother in the states only to find he's neck deep in a diamond smuggling ring. While there she meets ex-cop Jackson Roarke, a man with secrets still reeling from his wife's death. Here is a short blurb.
EARTH ENCHANTED- Elemental Magic Series Book One

BLURB: Writer Liv Corrigan has the worst luck with men -- her telepathy tends to make them run for the hills. When she meets widower and ex-cop Jack Roarke, she decides to keep her talent hidden. Things are looking up until their third date crashes and burns as the man who murdered Jack’s wife turns out to be after him too. Injured, Jack retreats with Liv to his house under armed guard. But with Liv’s mysteries rapidly coming unraveled, a diamond-thief killer to stop and passion in the air, the safe house is anything but safe for their hearts!
After EE, To Take Up The Sword flash forwards to the end of the trial for Ashton Smythe, Gueraldi's (the villian from EE) right hand man. When Smythe is set free, Agent Spiller (EE), convinced Serena Roarke hid more diamonds there, goes back to Alabama in search of missing evidence that would have convicted her killer. Leannan O'Neal, Serena's sister, goes into the wind after the destruction of her home and threats on her life. She meets up with Spiller and together they try to get the diamonds to safety before both are killed. You can find out more about each book in the series by visiting my website and clicking the Elemental Magic tab. It's been a pleasure visiting with you today. I'll be here to answer any comments or questions you might have.
Be blessed,
On Twitter as BrynnaCurry on Facebook as Brynna Curry
Earth Enchanted- Available now from Lyrical Press, Inc. To Take Up the Sword- September 2010 from Lyrical Press, Inc. Wait for the Wind- January 2011 from Lyrical Press, Inc. Sea's Sorceress- April 2011 from Lyrical Press, Inc..
Fire's Ice- August 2011 from Lyrical Press, Inc.